You can actually love the body you have right now.
Your body is your home.
I’m an embodied joy coach, a movement teacher, a writer and podcaster.
I help you stop wasting time on hating your body and start enjoying your body.
I work with people who want to live in a world where all bodies are good bodies, but who think that somehow they’re the exception to that idea.
You know what I’m talking about: That negative internal dialog about how weak or bad you are for wanting something sweet and delicious. That voice saying, you’re not going to be worthy of love until you lose weight, get fit, and fix all your bad habits.
That voice is a lie.
You can love your body just as it is right now. And! You can improve how your body feels day-to-day. You can choose to move in ways that support your well-being, even while you accept what is and is not possible right now.
Coming home to your body means stepping outside of the systems of patriarchy, white supremacy, and capitalism. Moving toward joy means seeing where those systems act on your body, and learning new ways to be in your body—and just getting the support you need to sustain that perspective.
This is the work of embodying joy.
This is the work we do together.
Embodied Joy isn’t for everyone. It’s not for you if:
You believe that loving your body means losing weight.
You want someone to wave a magic wand and fix you.
You’re not willing to accept that change takes time.
This work is for you if:
You recognize that being in a body is complex, and you’d like to find some peace around the body you have.
You want to find more movement options for your body–maybe you have some aches and pains, or you’ve had a “weak core” for a while now and you want to feel connected to your body.
You want movement to feel like love, not punishment.
You want to feel like your life has plenty of joy and delight and pleasure in it, that you’re not pouring from an empty cup.
Let’s get free, together.
What clients are saying: